MultiNeO™ - The Next Generation Spiral Implant, Internal Hex Connection
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MultiNeO™ - The Next Generation Spiral Implant, Internal Hex Connection
MultiNeO™ is a comprehensive, cutting-edge implant that would easily penetrate and navigate the osteotomy of all bone types while preserving the bone. NeO turns even the most complicated clinical cases into simple...
Esthetic Simple Straight Abutment - CHC connection
Esthetic Simple Wide Straight Abutment
Esthetic Anatomic Angled Abutments 15°
Esthetic Anatomic Angled Abutments 25°
Straight Abutments with Various Cuff Heights
Straight Temporary PEEK (Polyetheretherketone) Abutments
Angled Temporary PEEK (Polyetheretherketone) Abutments 15°
Angled Temporary PEEK (Polyetheretherketone) Abutments 25°
Straight Esthetic Abutments with Various Cuff Heights
17° angled abutment for AlphaUniverse MultiUnit Abutment System
30° angled abutment for AlphaUniverse MultiUnit Abutment System
Healing Abutments for TCT-N/AUC-TCT-N abutents
Open Tray Transfer for TCT-N/AUC-TCT-N abutments
Straight Titanium Abutments - Conical Standard Connection (CS).
17° angled abutment for AlphaUniverse MultiUnit Abutment System - CHC
30° angled abutment for AlphaUniverse MultiUnit Abutment System - CHC
Implant Grip Driver - Internal Hex Insertion 2.5mmd
Implant Analog for Internal Hex Connection
Temporary Titanium Abutments CS.
Pilier Provisoire / Temporaire en titane AR ou R - Connexion Standard (CS).
MultiNeO™ is the next generation spiral implant that can easily penetrate and navigate the osteotomy of all bone types while preserving the bone.
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