Software libraries of our Download Center contain all relevant Cad/Cam parts - Scan Bodies, Ti-Bases, Adhesive Copings, Screws, Analogs and Pre-Milled Blanks. Rotational and anti-rotational restoration parts available in variable cuff heights for superior fit, durability, and aesthetics
Tips for updating and working with Alpha-Bio Tec libraries
1. Before installing the new libraries, please delete all old libraries
2. There are 4 main libraries which correspond to the connections and the scan body used.
*Alpha-Bio_Tec_TCT (Multi-unit), There are 2 scan bodies:
-TCT-N-R rotational (for bridges) –7mm
-TCT-N anti-rotational (for single crowns on angled abutments)–7mm, 10mm
-Note: although it is recommended to use the TCT-N-R for bridges, the libraries also support scans with the AR scan body
3. Model creator library (For Exocad users)
***3Shape, Exocad, and Dental wings are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners: 3Shape A/S, Exocad, Dental Wings. Alpha- Bio Tec. is neither endorsed, nor sponsored, nor affiliated with the owners of these trademarks or registered trademarks. The company may update its supported systems list from time to time, per market requirements.
Blk. Files:
Blk files are used for manufacturing Preface abutments on SUM3D dental based CAM systems.